Sent by Tom Messmer on 12/07/2007

As long as I can remember, I have sought Mac's unique talents to help think through projects. It would usually start with a question I had on a program I was working on here at work, most of the conversations would then progress to a project I was working on or planning on starting at home. Mac was wealth of information. He always had great advice for what ever project I was starting. Along with his advice he always provided the confidence that I could do it myself. ( I can't forget about the jokes or funny stories that were apart of every conversation we had). As I have spent this past week thinking how much I will miss Mac's friendship, I have come to realize that I will never forget him. I know that every time I pick up a hammer, or a paint brush, or anything I need to start a project, I will think of Mac. With those thoughts, will be the confidence that "I can do it".(probably a chuckle or two as well.) For that I will always be grateful.